Registered Member FAQ

Step 2: A registration page will be displayed. Click "Forgot your password" at the right of the page.

Step 3: The following page will be displayed. Enter your login name, i.e. your registered email-box.

Step 4: Login your email-box, which will receive a password retrieval email from the system. Click the link in that email to retrieve your password.

Step 5: A new page as below will be displayed, in which you can enter a new 6-digit password and then click "Next Step".

Step 6: A page as below will prompt that your password is changed successfully.

3. How to change a password?

Answer: On the ETCN homepage, enter your username (registered email-box) and password. After your login, click "Member Center" to display "ETCN Member" page and then click "Change Password" tab to change your password as the following.

Member Center

1. How to change company contact address?

Answer: Go to the "Member Center", find and click "Company Basic Information" at the left navigation bar to make changes therein. Then save your changes, which take effect immediately.

2. How to change company profile and pictures in member materials, and what about the requirements?

Answer: (1) To change company profile: In the Member Center page, find and click "Company Basic Information" at the left navigation bar to make changes therein. Then save your changes, which take effect immediately. (2) To change pictures: For any changes to company logos, upload new logo from the bottom of "Company Basic Information". Any picture should be within 1MB, of 150px*150px, and in jpg/jpeg/gif/png format. And bitmaps like BMP can not be uploaded.

3. How to change contact info?

Answer: After login to the Member Center, click company contact info at the company info management section, and then make changes at the communication contact section.

4. I have changed information under my account, but why are old info still shown by Baidu or Google searches?

Answer: Search engines are relatively lagging in info update. Therefore, for timely info changes by search engines, please contact the customer service of search engines concerned.

5. How to change website URL?

Answer: Users can add URLs upon their registration. If automatic changes are unavailable, after registration done, please contact timely our Client Service Center.