GACC Announcement No.23, 2017 (on China-New Zealand "AEO" Mutual Recognition)

[2017-06-20 13:25:40]

In March 2017, China Customs and New Zealand Customs jointly signed a written arrangement to implement mutual recognition of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) as from 1 July 2017.

Relevant matters are hereby announced:

1. New Zealand Customs will recognize the high-grade enterprises certified by China Customs as China's "Authorized Economic Operators" (AEO for short), and China Customs will recognize the members listed in the “Secure Export Scheme” of New Zealand Customs as the AEOs of New Zealand.

2. China Customs and New Zealand Customs will mutually provide clearance facilitations for AEOs from the other in respect of cargo import and export, including: reduction of document inspections or risk assessments; priority in cargo clearance; designation of customs officers for mutual communication; and expedition of clearance process upon trade recovery.

3. Regarding export to New Zealand, Chinese AEO enterprises should inform New Zealand importers of their AEO identity, thus enabling the importers to declare to New Zealand Customs for AEO preferential measures.

4. Regarding import from New Zealand AEOs, Chinese importers should fill in the “Remarks” column of Declaration Form with New Zealand AEO information including: "AEO" (in English half-width) + "<" (in English half-width) + "New Zealand AEO code" + ">" (in English half-width); for example, if a New Zealand AEO code is NZ1234, the information required will be "AEO<NZ1234>". Then China Customs will check the information and, if true, facilitate the clearance for New Zealand AEOs concerned.

General Administration of Customs of China (GACC)
June 14, 2017
Source: ETCN