Antique Typewriter

[2008-12-23 17:24:57]

Before the advent of computers, typewriter was one of the most significant everyday business tool. The practical modern typewriter is said to have been invented in the year 1868. Any typewriter more than 100 years old qualifies as an antique. These vintage collectibles are available with leading dealers all across the world.

Types of Antique Typewriter Keyboard Typewriter: These typewriters are operated by pushing a a single or a combination of keys in order to print a letter onto a paper. These typewriters were quite popular between the late 18th and the early 19th century. Each alphabet had an individual key. Index Typewriter: These typewriters were introduced in the 1880s as a cheap alternative to the highly priced keyboard typewriters. These typewriters were used mostly for domestic purpose and were not a success.
Source: Antique Crafts
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