Antique Armour

[2008-12-23 17:24:57]

Armours have been used since medieval times to protect warriors from arrows and blows. These suits provided an overall protection to soldiers by fully covering their body. The specially designed metallic suits covered the chest, arms and back area. In the modern times, the use of armour suits has been confined to decorative uses. These antique suits are available in different materials with antique collectors and weapons dealers.

Types of Antique Armours Chain Mail Armour: It was one of the earliest armour worn by medieval knights, which consisted of thousands of interlocking rings woven by hand to form a covering for chest and legs. Mild steel was popularly used to produce these riveted armours. Plate Armour: These armours were introduced in the early 14th century, initially to protect chest and chests, but was later developed into a complete suit.
Source: Antique Crafts
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