Jerison, LLC & PC Water, LLC

[2008-12-23 17:30:06]

As you are aware, the bottled water industry is a very large and growing industry. But as often happens, it was discovered that some of the bottled water sold was not as advertised. We would like to take this time to introduce you to new and refreshing water. Our company, PC Water LLC, has the unique opportunity to provide you with information about a bottled water that is actually a healthy alternative to other bottled water products.

Our product is called ICE WATER and has been proclaimed by scientists to be the purest water in the world. This water is actually melted glacier water that has been preserved and protected at a depth of 2,300 feet below sea level for more than 20,000 years. This water has been scientifically tested and compared to bottled water that is sold in today?s market. According to the scientific evaluations, our glacier water has a ph of 7.9, which helps to provide an alkaline environment for our bodies. Alkalinity is vital.

www. pcwaterllc. com

We are regularly Selling : energy drink , trademark cigarettes , ice water pouch , mexican beer .

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