La Jaboneria. Net CTC, S. L.

[2008-12-23 17:30:06]

In The Jaboner?a make finest recipes for soap, the ancestral knowledge or traditional forms of development with a taste for the new, always enjoying the simplicity of a job well done. The workshop craftsman The jaboner?a live the past, present and future, here we create more inviting combinations of textures and aromas provided by the wonders of nature. Our raw materials have been carefully selected and travel here from one corner of the globe in which they find themselves. Especially our ingredients from Canary Islands, the best of each house; salts come from the slopes of the volcano Teneguia of La Palma, beeswax, honey and propolis come from hives Teide Volcano more than 2,000 m above sea level on the island of Tenerife, aloe from fuerteventura, wonderful flowers and fruits with special mention of "el pl?tano de Canarias".If you have a combination is done to measure whether there were any ingredient that isn?t the options, ask, it will seek to develop the recipe of your wishes

We are regularly Selling : bath bombs , bath salt , aloe , promotional gifts , luxury soap , natural cosmetics , amenities , perfume bar , spa products .

We are regularly Buying : salt stone , almizcle , coral water , drago blood , essential oils , lotus flower root , natural silk , packaging for cosmetics , sponges shaped fruits and flowers .
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