Kassimsco & Associates

[2008-12-23 17:30:19]

KASSIMSCO & ASSOCIATES is a professionally well managed company, based in Sweden.

We are member of several trade networks and have associates in dozens of countries.

Since KASSIMSCO & ASSOCIATES is partnership operated company, we treat you as one of ours,

discussing with you every stage of our co-operation.

Our ultimate goal is to establish long term relationships with you and other businesses around the world, with the highest level of integrity and honest. Our phylosophy is based on the old saying ?DON?T KILL THE GOOSE THAT LAYS THE EGG?.

In an industry where trust is vital in regards to the way we do business, it is ultimately important to us that a relationship of trust is established with our clients.

We promote:

*Agro processed & semi-processed produce.*Edible vegetable oil. *Mineral & Base metals. *Solar cells home lighting.*Woodpoles. *Food processing machines.*Commercial loans & Currency exchange

We are regularly Selling : edible oil , food:cornwheatsoybeans sunflower , ice cubic making machine and other food machines , mineral - ores , recycled plastic raw material , paper wood chipssawn timber , virgin plastic raw material , starch:maize and tapioca starch powder , wooden transmission poles .

We are regularly Buying : commodity sourcingtrade representationbrrokerage , edible oil:sunflower soybean maize rapeseed and other oil products , food:soybeans sunflowerwheatcorn , solar products: water pumphome lightinginsect rodent killerothers , machines: ice cubebeverage lines many others , mineral-iron ore bauxitecopper diamond etc , general plastic raw material , currencies and project financing , hardwood timberwoodchipswoodenpoles .
Source: foodstradeholding.com
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