Mumbai Terror Attacks - What Does it Mean For the US?

[2008-12-23 17:00:50]

separates Muslims from infidels: Muslims were spared, infidels were slaughtered indiscriminately no negotiations or demands: sends the message this is war and we don't care targeted India's center of western commerce and economic growth, demonstrating that the path of comfort and commerce leads to death challenges US policy makers who have become increasingly self-absorbed with the size of our (so far) $4T bailout (third mortgage actually). If we do not engage worldwide, it will be seen as a step backwards and will encourage more adventurism to find the threshold of US action targeted Jewish outreach centers to let us know that reconciliation and mutuality isn't desired and will generate more hate, not less. modern civilization requires mutuality, trust and a measured openness, transparency and vulnerability; this was a strike at every assumption regarding the possibility of raised consciousness and humanity. India is surely rethinking its policy of publishing a global mapping service competing with Google Earth but 100x better resolution. Watch for the fallout in the tension and tradeoff between privacy and security, and then think about this old saying, attributed to Ben Franklin to the effect that " Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Why India? what happens to the relations between Pakistan and India now? may be the most important international relationship of all right now, as Pakistan is more fragile than ever and, oh yes, HAS THE BOMB.
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