5 Ways on How to Help Poverty Victims in Africa

[2008-12-23 17:00:50]

Most people think they are not in a position to help poverty victims. I strongly believe that any one can lend a helping hand and it does not always have to be through offering some money. Let me share briefly about how to help poverty victims in Africa.


Food is one of the basic necessities for any human being. Food has become scarce in the continent because of the decline in food production brought about by numerous factors. Droughts, famine, lack of resource, deaths are one of the factors that have made food scarce. More and more the African depends on hand outs to feed its population and people are dying of hunger. Help in the form of food can make a huge difference.

Health care

Health care is another way to help poverty victims in Africa. Almost every homestead has been affected by the limitation or shortage of adequate access to health care in the continent (UN, worldhealth.org). The reality is, Africans are challenged when it comes to health, besides their beliefs in their own traditional medicines. Some deaths are caused by the lack of health care as some of the diseases like AIDS are manageable but people die earlier than they should.


There is a growing population of the homeless in the continent who can no longer be ignored. Almost every city has people who stay there, sleep in pipes etc. These people have been displaced by different reasons but the common denominator is that all of them are homeless.


I strongly believe that one of the ways to fight poverty and to cut the chain of poverty is through education. If a member of poverty stricken family is given access to education it is believed he/she would generate income and take care of his/her siblings as dependants their lives would not be the same. Different reasons deprive African children of education and which they much need to change their lives.

Self -sustaining projects

This my last point about how to help poverty victims in Africa.

It may be hard to always be donating to people but if they also try to move from their poverty situations it becomes a lesser burden. In some parts of the continent the people only need mealie-meal but they are able to make a living by growing vegetables to feed themselves and sell the surplus. It is encouraging to see the people trying to help themselves than solely relying on hand outs. Helping Africans to start their self-sustaining projects especially in food production is one way one would help to fight poverty in Africa and Africans can also help themselves. They may be poor and hungry but they had workers.

Source: EzineArticles.com
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