All Ruling Civilizations Go Down - Is the USA Next?

[2008-12-23 17:00:50]

For decades the people and government of the U.S.A. have worried and obsessed over occupation or disaster brought on from the outside. The Cold War was all about the fear of annihilation by the Communists and Russia (the Soviet Union). We have so obsessed over that fear that we often forget the truth behind the rule that great societies such as ours do not usually get destroyed from the outside-they fall apart from within. How does the U.S.A. stack up in the realm of great societies that have crumbled? Sadly I'm afraid.

The path of destruction all great societies have taken is a common one, and one that we share in frightening proportions. Affluence is the start of any great society and few can argue with the wonders of having great wealth. The wealth of the U.S.A. began in the industrial age and transferred into the technological age with head spinning speed. Softness usually follows, and it did. An acceptance of things that otherwise would make us cringe because it seems that we are 'deserving' of such luxuries. Decadence is triggered by softness-if a little of something is great, a lot of it is even better. This cascades into a constant need for more, better, bigger, faster-does that sound familiar? Then comes the after effects of decadence-extinction. The current economic situation in the U.S. should make anyone who pays attention to the above shudder with fear.

Decadence is truly the catalyst that causes great societies to fall: whether it is a relaxing of moral values, or financial decadence that drives a need to have everything immediately at any cost, or usually both at once. It causes a collapse of everything that the affluent society once held true and dear. The very moral and economic fiber that got the society to the point of affluence disappears. Once it is all swept away by greed and desire the entire fabric of that society collapses upon itself because it no longer has the impetus that made it great. With work ethics, moral ethics, and frugality gone there is nothing to keep the financial and economic structure afloat.

From ancient Egypt to Rome and even to the Communist Soviet Union the pattern has been set and history repeats itself because no one ever thinks it will happen to them. The beginning of the cycle is so alluring and comfortable that it is hard to see it as a bad thing. Once the pattern gets to the point of extreme softness and begins to tumble into decadence even if those inside can see the destruction coming it is often too late. It tumbles like an avalanche to its logical conclusion.

Is the U.S.A. doomed to repeat historical collapse? Probably. It is very difficult for any society to continue with such incredible power and wealth. Those that see it coming are usually powerless to stop those in control who have the most influence over prosperity and those who are enjoying the financial and moral freedom have little desire to stop it. Why stop a good thing? On the upside-when a society falls another takes its place. It's not the end of the world as we know it-only a beginning to something new.

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