Specialist nutrition categories

[2008-12-23 17:05:06]

Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for healthy babies. It contains the right balance of nutrients together with a host of other compounds that are beneficial to infants. These include growth factors, hormones and importantly antibodies that can help to develop an infant's immunity.

Infant formula is the only suitable alternative for babies whose mothers are unable to, or choose not to breastfeed. Like breastmilk it provides essential nutrients but does not provide all the protective factors found in breastmilk.

Nutrients in an infant's diet:-

Energy is necessary for growth, physical activity, maintenance of body temperature and for many other processes which take place in the body. Infants have high energy requirements for their size and about 50% of a breast-fed infant's energy comes from fat. Fat also supplies essential fatty acids and is needed for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

Carbohydrate, too, is a major source of energy in a baby's diet and is vital for health and growth. In their early months infants require easily digestible carbohydrates, which include the sugar lactose found in both breastmilk and infant formula.

Protein is required to supply amino acids for healthy growth, development and for maintenance of body tissues.

Vitamins and minerals are also essential. Breastmilk provides a range of vitamins and minerals and babies are born with a store of some essential nutrients too. Infant formula is fortified with the nutrients a baby needs in appropriate quantities.

On average 100ml of breastmilk provides about 70kcal (290KJ) of energy, 1.1g of protein, 4.2g of fat, and 7.4g of carbohydrate.

Follow-on formula is a cows' milk based formula specially developed for infants aged 6 months and over to complement the weaning diet.

Source: 婴儿和饮食食品协会
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