Cigarette Rolling Co.

[2008-12-23 17:30:57]

Cigarette Rolling Company deals in cigarette booklets. Cigarette Rolling Company is the sole distributor of Miquely Costas& Miqual sa with brand Smoking. The company spreads the message Roll your own cigarette. The comsumer can cut their costs by buying cheap cigarette booklets, filters and rip-offs to roll their own cigarette. We specialize in the manufacture& distribution of cigarette paper. Apart from being distributors for Smoking Cigarette booklets we also custom-create cigarette booklets for other brands according to their specifications and requirements. Get in touch with us for your requirements for any of the categories listed below: 1. Dealership enquiries for Smoking Cigarette Booklets 2. Bulk orders for Smoking Cigarette Booklets 3. Custom-created cigarette booklets for your brand 4. Cigarette Tubes/Filters 5. Tobacco Pouches...
Source: Toocle.lcom
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