Xinji City Encourages High Value-added Leather Products Sector


Nowadays Baodefu Shoe Co. officially begins to put into production in Xinji Concentrated Tanning Zone,which was jointly invested by Xinji Meihua Leather Co. and Taiwan Xinghang Co. with investment of 150 million yuan RMB. The company was designed to produce 11.4 million pairs of shoes annually,and will provide ten thousand employment jobs for local area. This shoemaking company established put an end the history of Xinjin having not a single shoemaking enterprise. This is an achievement of Xinji on building the environment friendly and eco-leather zone.

Effluent treatment is an essential to the tanning industry. Xinji City has invested 190 million yuan RMB for building three effluent treatment plants and one peak regulation effluent treatment plant,and will build the second peak regulation effluent treatment plant with 20 million yuan RMB. Meanwhile Xinji sets the new targets of energy saving and pollution reduction,for building environment friendly and eco-leather zone,Xinji City issued a series of stimulating policies to encourage high value-added leather sectors,and to form a reasonable industrial pattern,which could turn the local produced leather into high value-added products.

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