China Export Leading Index Up in May


For May 2017, China’s Export Leading Index (ELI) reached 41.1, month-on-month (MOM) up 0.4 from that of April. As revealed by online questionnaire survey, this May’s Export Manager Index rose by 0.4 MOM to 45.2; New Export Order Index rose by 0.6 MOM to 48.8; Export Managers Confidence Index rose by 0.4 to 50.9; Export Enterprises Comprehensive Cost Index dropped by 0.3 to 22.9.

1. Up in Export Manager Indexes of large and medium enterprises: For May, China’s large and medium enterprises had Export Manager Indexes up MOM by 0.3 and 0.9 respectively to 47.6 and 42.8, while that of small-sized enterprises dropped by 0.5 to 42.3.

2. More enterprises revealing year-on-year (YOY) rise in their new order value: Shown by the online survey for May, the enterprises revealing YOY rise in their new order value accounted for 32.7%, more by 0.3 percentage point than April; the enterprises revealing YOY fall in the new order value accounted for 37.3%, less by 0.9 percentage point MOM; and those revealing no change therein accounted for 30%.

3. Less enterprises optimistic about export for the next 2-3 months: Shown by the online survey, the enterprises expressing “optimistic” accounted for 29.1%, less by 0.7 percentage point than April; those expressing “not optimistic” accounted for 29.9%, less by 0.5 percentage point MOM; the enterprises with the same confidence as last month accounted for 41%, more by 1.2 percentage points MOM.

4. More respondents revealing cost rise: Shown by the online survey, the enterprises revealing YOY rise in their export cost accounted for 59.1%, more by 0.3 percentage point than April; those revealing YOY cost evenness accounted for 35.5%; and those with YOY cost fall accounted for 5.4%.

According to the survey in itemized costs for May, the enterprises revealing increase in labor cost accounted for 56.9%, more by 1.4 percentage points than April; those revealing increase in foreign exchange cost accounted for 33.7%, more by 0.5 percentage point than April; those revealing increase in raw material cost accounted for 52.9%, less by 1.4 percentage points than April.
Source: China Customs
Keywords:Leading Index