GACC Announcement No.38, 2017 on Canceling Regional Clearance Integration

[2017-08-29 15:10:31]

In accordance with nationwide arrangement for customs clearance integration, the GACC hereby announces certain adjustment in the mode of the integration, as follows:

1. Regional integration of customs clearances will be cancelled and relevant application will not be handled by the Customs any more.

2. On the basis of applied highway manifest, expedite cross-border clearance will be applied to all Customs districts within Guangdong Province.

3. As regards import/export by waterway, airway, railway and highway with domestic highway transport, the cargo transfer between Customs by highway may be operated in paperless way on the basis of internet-of-things equipment (incl. smart lock, checkpoint front-end device, and satellite positioning device) as well as checkpoint control and networking system.

4. This Announcement shall enter into force upon its issuance, along with simultaneous repeal of GACC Announcements No. 43 of 2006, No.53 of 2012, No.58 of 2013, No.28 of 2014, No.45 of 2014, No.65 of 2014, No.66 of 2014, No.68 of 2014, No.84 of 2014, No.9 of 2015, No.10 of 2015, No.11 of 2015, No.47 of 2015, No.29 of 2016 and No.54 of 2016.

General Administration of Customs of China (GACC)
August 22, 2017

Source: ETCN