GACC Announcement No.44, 2017 on Simplifying Duties/Fee E-Pay Process

[2017-09-27 17:10:32]

The GACC hereby decides to simplify the electronic payment of duties/fees with canceling the field printing of Tax Pay-In Warrant for real tax deduction.

Specifics as follow:

1. Where an importer/exporter chooses to pay duties/fees in an electronic way, after his duties/fees are withheld, Customs clearance system will automatically send him tax deduction information and, if his duties/fees are really paid and his declaration is compliant, will release his import/export of goods.

2. After the goods are released, the importer/exporter may go to the field Customs house to receive his Tax Pay-In Warrant page Ⅰ.

3. The commercial banks involved shall, as per GACC Announcement No.17 of 2011, undertake the handover of Tax Pay-In Warrant pages Ⅱ-Ⅴ with the Customs in charge.

4. Other relevant matters shall still be subject to GACC Announcement No. 17 of 2011.

This Announcement shall enter into force on 21 September 2017.

General Administration of Customs of China (GACC)
September 19, 2017
Source: ETCN
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