GACC-SATC Announcement No.10, 2018 on “Special Pay Certificate” Printing Mode

[2018-01-23 14:34:46]

The GACC hereby decides that, as from 19 January 2018, the printing mode of “Customs Special Payment Certificate” will be reformed in Shanghai Customs and Nanjing Customs Districts, as follows:

1. After paying customs duties/fees in electronic way, the payer may self-print out formatted “Customs Special Payment Certificate” over the “internet + customs” platform ( or may apply to the Customs for printing the paper copy of “Customs Special Payment Certificate”.

2. The payer-printed “Customs Special Payment Certificate” and Customs-printed paper “Customs Special Payment Certificate” shall be equally valid.

3. The pilot operational sites may be designated by Shanghai Customs and Nanjing Customs on their own.

General Administration of Customs of China (GACC)
State Administration of Taxation of China (SATC)
January 16, 2018
Source: ETCN