USITC Keeps AD Duty on Steel Plates from India, Indonesia and Korea but Exempts Japan and Italy
[2011-12-07 11:17:26]
The US International Trade Commission determined that revoking the existing antidumping and countervailing duty orders on cut to length carbon quality steel plate from India, Indonesia, and Korea would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time.
The Commission also determined that revoking the existing antidumping and countervailing duty orders on cut to length carbon quality steel plate from Italy would not be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time.
The Commission further determined that revoking the antidumping duty order on cut to length carbon-quality steel plate from Japan would not be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time.
As a result of the Commission's affirmative determinations, the existing orders on imports of these products from India, Indonesia, and Korea will remain in place. As a result of the Commission's negative determinations, the existing orders on imports of these products from Italy and Japan will be revoked.
The 5 year (sunset) reviews concerning Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate from India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, and Korea were instituted on November 10, 2010.
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