11. I would like to buy ETCN’s China Customs Statistics Report. Would you please tell me what types of statistics you can provide?
Customs statistics offered by ETCN are data for goods with Customs clearance completed. The types of data available include the value, quantity, measurement unit, company code, company name, place of receipt and dispatch, country of origin, country of destination, customs for declaration, trade mode, transport mode, and so on, which correspond to the name and HS Code (tariff number) of any imported and exported goods.
If you wish to buy the statistics report, please define the data types you need and contact with our Online Client Service at
www.e-to-china.com to make clear your demand on product customization and the types of sample report.
12. A foreign friend of mine is eager to know the state in China’s external trade. Could you tell me where he can get the English version of China Customs statistics materials?
At present, English publications compiled and issued by China Customs include the English version of
China Customs Statistics (Monthly), the English version of
China Customs Statistics Yearbook, and the combined issue of
China’s External Trade Indices both in Chinese and English.
ETCN is now authorized by the Comprehensive Statistics Department the National Customs Information Center, both under the General Administration of Customs of China, to offer the statistical consulting service in English. If your friend lives abroad, he still can obtain the English materials about China Customs statistics via ETCN (
13. What sources China Customs statistics derive from? Could you tell me how to ensure the accuracy of such statistics during the process of data collection and release?
All of China Customs statistics derive from the import and/or export declaration forms handled by China Customs. From the moment of receiving the declaration from an enterprise, relevant Customs officials and workers responsible for examination, inspection and taxation start to carry out the verification of the declared data to ensure the consistency between the reality of goods and the statistical indicators on the declaration form.
After the Customs clearance of goods concerned, Customs statisticians will perform an all-round verification on the statistics, including 3 phases: preliminary verification by primary-level Customs offices, verification review by Customs authorities directly under the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC), and final verification by the GACC.
Only after entire verification of the accuracy of such data will the GACC release the statistics externally. In addition to the routine verification before any monthly release, the GACC conducts annually two concentrated specific verifications and several irregularly scheduled verifications to further find out data errors.
14. Some companies promoted Customs statistics products to us via emails, telephone, advertisements, etc. Are their data reliable?
The consulting service on China Customs statistics products is in the charge of the Statistics Consulting Office of the General Administration of Customs of China and authorized entities, one of which is ETCN International Inc. Other companies promoting Customs statistics have no any authorization by China Customs, so the authenticity and reliability of the statistics offered cannot be guaranteed. You’d better buy the Customs statistics products through legal and reliable channels.
15. As for companies or individuals frequently consulting and using the external trade statistics from various countries and regions, what about the comparability among the statistics from various countries and regions? What matters demand our attention when we use them, especially those statistics from China?
In the international community, most of countries and regions use United Nations International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions when compiling their statistics on import and export trade, therefore they'are comparable with each other.
However, you may find some numerical discrepancies when inquiring bilateral trade statistics from various countries and regions. There are many reasons for the incomparability among the statistics on international goods trade from various countries and regions, mainly including the difference in statistical scope, the difference in statistical methods applied to some goods, the added value in an intermediate country or region, the difference in classification of goods, the time difference in statistics reporting, the difference in value assessment (including that in CIF/FOB), currency conversion, the affiliation of trading partners, and the trading via the third country or region.
The users should pay attention to the aforesaid matters.