Customs-Clearance Tools Family For ETCN Members Only
HS Classification
HS Classification Search
World’s biggest platform for classification of goods traded with China.
- Coverage of all latest HS Codes of China Customs
- All data are of China Customs historical practices in clearance
- All-round coverage of goods of over 950,000 kinds
- Independently-developed search engine algorithm of intelligent classification
- Easy classification by one-key-press search
HS Schedule
China Customs’ electronic import & export tariff schedule, embedded with HS Code hierarchy.
- China Customs’ latest import & export tariffs of 2012
- Clear and complete tree structure, revealing the hierarchical relationship in HS Codes
- Optimized commodity descriptions for practical use
Tariffs and Cost
Tariffs & Duties
Offering of all tariffs and charges required by China Customs.
- China’s latest tariffs and surtaxes of 2012 (e.g. consumption tax and value-added tax)
- Intelligent determination of applicable trade agreements and preferential tariffs (e.g. MFN tariff; conventional tariffs between China and ASEAN, Asia Pacific, Pakistan, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, or Peru; and special preferential tariffs for least-developed countries/regions)
- Optimization of trade logistics by comparing tariff preferences of various countries/regions
Landed Cost Calculator
Automatic calculation of complicated and dynamic landed costs for international trade.
- Automatic calculation of complicated and dynamic tariffs, consumption tax, value-added tax, and other governmental charges
- Real-time conversion of any main currencies according to customs rules on exchange rates
- Capture of all preferential tariffs
- Automatic generation of trade reports, predicting trade profits
Average Import Price
Trend of average import prices at China of all HS Code-based imports.
- Offering average prices of any HS Code-based imports
- Evasion of import price risks by referring to historical price data
- Logistic optimization to minimize trade cost by comparing average import prices at various countries/regions
- Market prediction by intelligent graphic analyses so as to help capture trade opportunities
Import Restrictions
Regulations & Restrictions
HS Code-based inquiry for China Customs import controls.
- Offering supervision/restriction measures on imports to help avoid unfavorable import trade
- Offering import control laws/policies, and their applied scope or explanations
- Offering information on required licenses, certificates, or documents for imports
- Offering additional info on contents, samples, and application procedures for required import licenses, certificates or documents
Customs Declaration Norm
Standardized items of import & export declarations based on HS Codes.
- Offering any commodity information required for customs declarations
- Compliant with real-timely updated China Customs Catalog of Standardized Declaration Items for Imports & Exports
- Help ensure standardized infilling of declaration items to minimize trade delay
CCC Certificate
Inquiry for any goods under China Compulsory Certification requirements.
- Based on the administrative regulations on China compulsory certification of products and the catalog of products under compulsory certification
- Offering info on requirements, scopes, rules, samples for CCC-covered goods
Inquiry for goods under China’s anti-dumping/anti-subsidy measures.
- Offering info on latest anti-dumping/anti-subsidy regulations/announcements made by China’s MOFCOM or China Customs
- Help evade trade risks from anti-dumping/anti-subsidy measures
- Offering alerts on such requirements as place of origin, etc
Commodity Importing Trend
- Help suppliers to monitor and judge the commodity market trend
- Quick search by commodity or by 8-digit HS Code
- Top Source Countries/Regions of China Import
- China Importers Regional Coverage
China Buyer
- Active buyers in China in near term by understanding Chinese buyers' purchasing habits and cycles
- Detailed China buyers’ contact info help you explore exporting market in China
- Online Chinese Buyers Activity Report help you online assess Chinese buyers' status quo in trade by understanding dynamic information
Trade Laws & Regulations
- Authoritative trade regulation help you to grasp Chinese policy infos.
- Real-time update may reduce the risk of business activity in trade.
- China regulation easy searching system is more efficiency and convenient for all users.
Customs Expert Analysis
- Coverage of all data from China local customs and comprehensive analysis by Customs expert.
- Detailed description on commodity quantity, value and trade characteristics.
- Special interpretation and trade report by commodities and regions
- Deepened trade status analysis and further forecast with experts’ comments
Value-Added Service
Export Tax Rebate
Inquiry for China's latest export-refund rates.
- New Export-refund rates updating when tax rebate changing
- Help exporters cut down trade costs to increase profits and competitiveness
- Help understand export-refund historical data to master refund changing trend
Global HS Conversion
Automatic correspondence and conversion between HS Codes of China and those of trading-with-China countries/regions.
- Inquiry for latest HS Codes of various countries/regions
- Easy conversion between HS Codes of China and those of other countries/regions
- Enhancement of accuracy in commodity classification