- EU AD Interim-Review Ruling on Seamless Iron/Steel Tubes from Ukraine
- EU Antidumping on Biodiesels from Argentina & Indonesia
- Shanghai's Dairy Import Up 76.5% from EU in Jan.-July
- China's Winemakers Call for Probes on EU Imports
- Chinese Want Two-Anti Probe into EU Wine
- Chinese Want Two-Anti Probe into EU Polysilicon
- Russian TMK to Appeal Against EU Pipe Import Duties
- China-EU Trade Slightly Up in First Half 2012
- Solar Panel Makers Call for Efforts to Counter EU Investigations
- EU Anti-Subsidy Midterm Review on Indian Stainless Steel Bars
- EU Two-Anti Probe on Indian Stainless Steel Wires
- Russia to Resist EU Carbon Tax on Airlines
- EU to Put Punitive Duties on Chinese Bikes & Tiles
- EU Initial AD Ruling on Iron/Steel Pipe Fittings from Russia & Turkey
- EU Initial AD Ruling on Iron/Steel Pipe Fittings from Russia & Turkey
- EU AD Midterm-Review Ruling on Chinese Steel Fasteners
- Shanghai's Import from EU Up Against Trend
- India in Talks with EU to Slash Duty on Import Cars
- GACC Announcement No. 37, 2012 for AD on Ethylene & Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ethers from U.S. & EU
- MOFCOM Announcement No. 42, 2012 for AD Ruling on Ethylene & Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ethers from U.S. & EU
- MOFCOM Announcement No. 42, 2012 for AD Ruling on Ethylene & Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ethers from U.S. & EU
- China Says U.S., EU Dumping Monobutyl Ether
- EU May Take AD on Chinese Photovoltaic Cells
- EU Anti-Circumvention Ruling on Glass Fiber Latticed Fabrics from China
- EU Antidumping on Chinese Lighters Assembled in Vietnam
- Chinese Lighter Makers Evade EU Tax Via Vietnam
- EU Takes AD New-Exporter Review on Taiwanese PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
- EU Quits AD on Plastic Bags from China & Thailand
- China-EU Imp. & Exp. Slower Than Overall in First 4 Months 2012
- EU Ups AD Duties on 2 Chinese Makers of Tartaric Acid