Anti-Dumping Probes(6417)
- The EU Launches AD Sunset Review Investigation into China's Oil-Tanned Leather
- EU Terminates 16-Year Anti-Dumping on China's Carborundum
- China MOFCOM's AD Probe into EU & Japan's Seamless Steel Tubes
- Brazil Revives Anti-dumping Row with China
- Announcement No. 49 of 2011 of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China on Midterm Review Ruling of Anti-dumping Measures on Sulfamethoxazole
- EU Announces AD Expiry to China's Non-Motor Vehicle Saddles
- Australian AD & AS Midterm-Review Ruling on China's Aluminum Sections
- Thailand's Largest Paper Producer Says It Won't Press for Anti-dumping Penalties
- The EU Cancels Anti-Dumping on China's Carborundum
- MOFCOM Announcement 45, 2011 for AD Ruling on Import Photo Paper
- Argentina Avoids Anti-Dumping on China's Stainless-Steel Blades
- GACC Announcement 46, 2011 on AD Duties on Russian & Japanese TCE
- South Korea Cancels AD on China's Titanium Dioxide
- Thailand May Launch AD on China's Three Products as Alumi/Zinc-Coated Steels
- WTO Finds for Vietnam in U.S. Shrimp Dumping Case
- EU Terminates AD Measures on Coumarin
- Anti-dumping and Countervailing Act on Cards in Nepal
- Announcement No. 37, 2011 of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China on Midterm Review of Dumping and Dumping Margin of GOES Originated from Russia's NLMK
- EU Notice: Anti-Dumping on China's Ironing Boards to Expire
- The U.S. "Double-Anti" Investigation on China's High-Pressure Steel Cylinders
- MOFCOM Announcement 34, 2011 for Anti-Dumping on Epoxy Chloropropane
- India's Final AD Sunset-Review Ruling on China's Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate
- MOFCOM Announcement 34, 2011 for Anti-Dumping on Epoxy Chloropropane
- Announcement No.34, 2011 of the Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C
- GACC Announcement 41, 2011 for Anti-Dumping on Adipic Acids
- India's Final AD Midterm-Review Ruling on China's Cold-Rolled Stainless-Steel Flat Products
- Argentina Launches AD Sunset Review on China's Aluminium Phosphide
- India's Government May Probe Alleged Dumping of Bicycle Parts from China
- China to Levy 5-year Anti-dumping Duties on Hydrazine Hydrate Imports
- The U.S. Initiates Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations on China's Steel Cylinders