import export(9387)
- AQSIQ Announcement No.39, 2015 (on Standards of Export-to-Egypt Industrial Products )
- MOF Notice No. 9, 2015 (on Tax-Free Import of seedlings, breeding stock/poultry, fish fingerlings/fry and wildlife seeds)
- SFA Announcement No.7, 2015 (on Banning Ivory Carvings Import from Africa)
- China Export Leading Index Still Down for January 2015
- GACC Announcement No.4, 2015 (on Battery & Coating Import Consumption Taxes)
- AQSIQ Announcement No.3, 2015 (on Imp./Exp. Dairy Inspection/Quarantine Items Adjustment)
- MOF Notice No.67, 2014 (on Import Natural-Gas Tax Preferences Adjustment)
- MOFCOM Announcement No. 92, 2014 (on Wool & Wool Top Import Tariff Quotas for New Zealand in 2015)
- GACC Announcement No.94, 2014 (on Agricultural Import QTY from New Zealand in 2014 & for 2015)
- China's Pork Import Down in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Food Export & Import Up Slowly in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Food Export & Import Up Slowly in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Medical Devices Import Upward in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Copper Import QTY Down since June 2014
- China's Copper Ore Import QTY Up & Price Down in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Iron Ore Import Price Down Month-on-Month in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Natural Gas Import Increased in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Dairy Import Down in October 2014
- China's Automobile Import QTY Over 110,000/Month Since March 2014
- GACC Announcement No.90, 2014 (on Petroleum Products Import Consumption Tax Hike)
- China's Agricultural Export & Import up Steadily in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Agricultural Export & Import up Steadily in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Beef & Mutton Import up in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Chemical Fertilizer Export & Import Both up in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Chemical Fertilizer Export & Import Both up in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Polysilicon Import up in Jan-Oct 2014
- China Ship Export down 25.5% YOY in October 2014
- China Labor-Intensive Exports Slow in Jan-Oct 2014
- China's Integrated Circuit Import QTY up & Price down in Jan-Oct 2014
- GACC Announcement No.86, 2014 on Petroleum Products Import Consumption Tax Hike